International Student Seminar

Our Slogan Explained

"おっしゃ let’s" is inspired by lyrics which originate from a 2013 song by famous Japanese popstar, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu (Wikipedia link). You can think of her as the Japanese Lady Gaga (Wikipedia link).

The direct translation of the adjective “おしゃれ” may be “fashionable”. However, the nuance is closer to something being “trendy” in English. When “おしゃれ” (pronounced “oh-sha-rey) and “let’s” is combined, as in her song "Invader Invader," it becomes a cheer to have everyone embody the spirit of “let’s make [something] おしゃれ!” – let’s make something trendy!

This phrase which calls to make things fresh, new, cutting-edge, and “trendy” has achieved its own goal. “おしゃれ let’s” is now a phrase and spirit Japanese people understand.

Our slogan“おっしゃ let’s do science” (pronounced “oh-sha! let’s do science) represents our spirit to make science “trendy” in a similar manner. Our hope is that science can catch-on with more people, thereby increasing the number of people interested in life sciences, and consequently the number of people who will pursue their interest in life science as researchers. To achieve this goal, we need to do it together. So "おっしゃ let’s do science"!!

The reason why we have chosen to retain the original Japanese “おしゃれ” and not use the translation of “trendy” is to represent our second aim and message: that this 13th International Student Seminar be a collaboration and experience of international minds – not only between the international members of the executive committee or students at Kyoto University but invited international guests from abroad.

Finally, “knocking on life science’s door” is a play on the song title and lyrics “knockin’ on heaven’s door” from Bob Dylan's famous 1973 single. It embodies the feeling of being on the brink of something. Here, it is achieving our goal to make life science more popular, accessible, and inspiring to even more people.

At the 13th International Student Seminar together,“おっしゃ let’s do science”!!

The 13th ISS Executive Committee

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